We hereby declare that the quality/environmental management system established by our company conforms to the applicable standards on the basis of the certificates of conformity (Q-0018-100607) and (E-0012-100607) issued as a result of the verification audit conducted by the NPO SDC Verification and Audit Association outside our organization.SAKAE Co.,Ltd.
President Norihiko Kamiya

1. We build trusted relationships with engineers involved in the manufacturing industry and provide the highest quality and service that is always appreciated as a team, where each individual grows together.
2. We will meet applicable requirements to achieve this policy and continuously improve our quality management system.
1. We aim to harmonize people, machines, and the environment, and contribute to the development of local industries by providing engineers with solutions to their problems through trading company activities.
2. We will meet our relevant compliance obligations and work to prevent and protect environmental pollution with environmentally friendly products and services.
3. We continuously improve our environmental management system to enhance our environmental performance.

"Plenteer" is a coined word that combines the words "pleasure" and "volunteer." It is a call to nurture people and greenery and restore water systems to rich broadleaf forests by utilizing time spent in nature for "pleasure".
It is an attempt to revive the villages and mountains that symbolize the symbiosis between people and nature by the hands of the citizens of the water system. It is a movement for environmental conservation that calls on the public at large as well as a proposal for ecological leisure, and we not only participate in the activities but also sponsor opinion ads in newspapers.
As part of our commemorative projects, we have presented Hamamatsu City with a "Donation for Children's Library Fund Expenses in Commemoration of the International Year of the Child" since the foundation of the company.

Donation to Kosei Gakuen Hamamatsu Gakuin Junior & Senior High School Kamiya Library every year.The Kamiya Library was donated by Shohei Kamiya, the founder of the school, and is still used by current students for their studies.

Our company is a co-sponsor of "FC COLETIVO SHIZUOKA".
FC COLETIVO SHIZUOKA is the first blind (visually impaired) football club in Shizuoka Prefecture, launched in February 2019.Through FC Coletivo Shizuoka's practices and events such as trial sessions, we strive to develop blind soccer.